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Over the past few years, I've started reading more. Here are some of the books I've read and found interesting, most can be categorized into 3 categories:

Some may have links to reviews or summaries, others may not. I'll try to keep this list updated.


Science Fiction

2023-05 (4/5): Hail Mary by Andy Weir

A lone astronaut must save the earth from an extinction-level event. A fun read.

2024-04 (4/5): Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick

A post-apocalyptic store where Earch is devastated by war and radiation. Story follows a bounty hunter Rick Deckard "retiring" rogue androids. But, as he hunts down these androids we start to ask questions like what is empathy, identity and what it means to be human where disintcts between humans and androids is blurred.

2024-04 (4.5/5): The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin

Quite enjoyed this one. One of the better sci-fi books I've read in a while. A story about humans, alien civivlization, mysetrious worlds and a bunch of conflict.


  • The Dark Forest
  • Dune (part 2)
  • Dune Messiah
  • Children of Dune
  • Roadside picnic
  • Consider Phlebas
  • The Player of Games
  • ... lots more

Self Improvement