Updates all direct dependencies of the current Go module to their latest versions.
go get $(go list -f '{{if not (or .Main .Indirect)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' -m all)
This can be used instead of go get -u ./...
, which updates all dependencies, including transitive
dependencies. The latter may not always be desirable.
Checks for and applies all available updates to module's dependencies.
go list -u -m all | grep '\[' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 go get -u
go list -m -json github.com/pressly/goose/v3 | jq -r .Version
go list -m -versions github.com/pressly/goose/v3 | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -V | grep -v '-' | tail -n 1
The sort -V
command is a version of the sort
utility that performs version number sorting. It
understands the logical order of version numbers, which may not always correspond to alphabetical or
numerical order.
Regular sort:
But sort -V would correctly order them as:
This is because sort -V
understands that in version numbers, 1.2 comes before 1.10.
# Lists all module dependencies (excluding the main module) by skipping the first line.
# For each dependency, explains why it's needed in the module.
go mod why -m $(go list -m all | tail -n +2)
This can be particularly useful when:
- Auditing dependencies
- Trying to reduce the size of the module
- Understanding the dependency tree
Identify which direct dependencies are pulling in various indirect dependencies.